News of Ukraine

Restrictions on sugar export to the EU may lead to closure of Ukrainian sugar factories

The introduction of restrictions on sugar export to the European Union will have a negative impact on the sugar industry of Ukraine in general and may lead to the closure of a number of sugar factories, said Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine «Ukrtsugar» Nazar Mykhailovyn in a comment to «Interfax-Ukraine». «This will have a very detrimental effect on Ukrainian sugar producers, as we have an export-oriented sugar industry. We hoped to be able to export sugar, thereby preserving and developing our i...

Poltava sugar factories completed production season

As of the end of January, sugar factories of Poltava region completed sugar-production season. This was announced by the head of Poltava RMA Philip Pronin, press service of Poltava RMA reported. «Factories of the region produced 229,000 tonnes of sugar or 55% more than a year earlier, and almost three times more than the region's need. In total, more than 1.6 million tonnes of raw m...

«Astarta» completed the 2023 sugar production season

The сompany’s five sugar factories processed 2.7mt of sugar beets grown in-house and by third-party farmers and produced 377kt of white sugar. It is reported by presscenter of the company. The 2023 processing season lasted 130 days and was the best in terms of sugar output for the past five years. The сompany’s agricultural subsi...

«Ukrprominvest-Agro» finished production season with record figures

On January 9, «Ukrprominvest-Agro»  group of companies completed sugar beet processing season, which lasted 132 days and became a record for the company according to several indicators. It is stated in the company's message on Facebook. The company's Gaisyn and Kryzhopil sugar factories processed 2 million 105 thousand tonnes of sugar beet and produced 337.5 thousand tonne...

Vinnytsia sugar factories completed production

In the current production season Vinnytsia sugar factories produced 442,000 tonnes of sugar, the production volumes are the highest in the last five years. Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration informed «Ukrinform» about this. «In the current production season, 442,000 tonnes of sugar were produced in Vinnytsia region...

Vinnytsia sugar factories produced 430 kt of sugar

As of January 5, 430,000 tonnes of sugar were produced in Vinnytsia region, the indicator of 400,000 tonnes was overcome for the first time since 2018, when 424,000 tonnes of sugar were produced. It is reported by vn.20minut. Sugar factories in the region increased sugar production last year compared to 2022. 430,000 tonnes of sugar were produced in the region. As of January 8,...

«Agroprodservice» received the highest yields in its history

Last year, «Agroprodservice» (Ternopil region) received the highest yields in its history. The General Director of «Agroprodservice» Andriy Baran reported about it, Silsky hospodar noted. In particular, the sugar beet yield reached over 70 t/ha. At the sam...

Cygnet's sugar season lasted a record long time

Cygnet sugar factory in the village of Andrushki worked a record number of days this season. It is reported by AgroPortal with a link to the company's video material. As noted, in 2023, the company sowed more than 4,000 hectares with sugar beets. The factory operated from October to...

Next season income from 1 ha of sugar beets can reach $680-700

In the next season, compared to other agricultural crops, sugar beet will remain in the leading positions in terms of profitability. It is stated in the article "Will farmers sow beets in 2024? And what will happen to sugar prices? Insights from the meeting of "UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO" with farmers" on

Vinnytsia sugar factories produced 400 kt of sugar

As of December 29, sugar factories in Vinnytsia region produced 400,000 tonnes of sugar. It is reported by "Ukrinform" with reference to the data of Vinnytsia RMA. "According to operational data, as of December 29, the sugar factories of the region produced 400,000 tonne...
