Astarta completed the spring planting campaign


Astarta’s agricultural subsidiaries have completed the spring planting.

It is reported by press-service of the company.

The estimated core spring crops’ acreage for 2024 is as follows: sugar beets – 38kha, soybeans – over 70kha, winter wheat – 49kha, sunseeds – 18kha, winter rapeseeds – 12kha, corn – 6kha. 

«A long-lasting stable temperature regime was observed from early spring this year and it determined the timing and speed of planting. We sowed sugar beet within 12 days, which is extremely swift for our large acreage, as it usually takes 14-18 days. Generally, all crops’ sowing periods were shifted forward by two weeks. It will have a corresponding impact on the timing of the harvesting campaign», — said Roman Pavlyk, the Head of the company’s crop production department. 

The сompany’s farmers are currently working according to the schedule, delivering crop care and preparing for the early grain harvest this year.