Astarta Launches 25th Sugar Production Season

Astarta started the 25th sugar production season in its history. On August 24, Ukraine’s Independence Day, the first sugar plant in Vinnytsia region started sugar beet processing. It will be followed by two plants in Poltava region at the end of the week and two others during September. In total, five sugar plants will operate during this production season.

It is reported by presscenter of the company.

«The season has started successfully. The first plant has been put into operation and is working at full capacity. We will soon begin shipping the first batches of high-quality sugar to Ukrainian consumers, — says Igor Rylik, Astarta’s Director of Agricultural Processing. — In general, our investments in the sugar segment this year aimed to improve our plants’ energy efficiency. We also focused on improving staff motivation and product quality».  

Meanwhile, the agricultural subsidiaries of Astarta, which supply a significant part of raw materials for the sugar plants, continue to harvest sugar beets, the total area of which this year is 38 kha. 

Currently, Astarta’s plants use inhouse raw materials, but starting from 1 September, third-party farmers with whom Astarta cooperates regularly will also begin to supply sugar beet for processing.