News of Ukraine

German Pfeifer & Langen buys the sixth sugar factory in Ukraine

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has started consideration of the case of concentration in form of acquisition by «Radehivskyi Sugar» LLC of the assets of «Gnidava Sugar Refinery» private joint-stock company, which ensure the implementation of white (beet) sugar production. It is reported by press service of AMCU. The owner of «Radehivskyi Sugar» LLC is German company Pfeifer & Langen. It also owns four sugar factories in Ternopil region...

«Astarta» supplied 50,000 tonnes of sugar to European market

During 2022/2023 marketing year, in conditions of limited logistics capabilities, «Astarta» supplied 50,000 tonnes of sugar to European market, maintaining its leading position among Ukrainian exporters. It is reported by press center of the company. «Due to a well-built reputation, transparency and sustainability of business, we were ready to integrate into European market with both our...

«AgroVista» increased sugar beet profitability to $800 EBITDA/ha

Sugar beet will slightly decline in profitability, but in the next year or two the crop will be more profitable than sunflower. Pavlo Fesyuk, the director of «AgroVista» holding, told about it in an interview for AgroPortal. According to him, last year, sugar beet surprised the company the most: «We receiv...

«Svyatets» LLC: sugar beet clearly justifies investments in it

In Khmelnytsk region, «Svyatets» enterprise has been growing sugar beets for a long time. When «Astarta» modernized sugar factories and established partnership with farmers, sugar beet became an unchanging culture. This year, 300 hectares of beets were sown here. Vasyl Mostiy, the head of «Svyatets» LLC, told AgroPortal about it. «Last year and the year before, sugar beet was a profitable crop, but weather conditions and financial sit...

«Astarta» and «Ukrnafta» Signed a Fuel Contract

«Astarta» signed a fuel contract with «Ukrnafta» according to which the latter will supply petroleum products to the Company in 2023. It is reported by press-center of the company. «During the full-scale war a guaranteed energy supply is the key condition for growing agricultural production and securing food for Ukrainians....

«Astarta» expanded the area under irrigation to 1,000 ha

This year, «Astarta» expanded the area under irrigation to 1,000 hectares. The company reports about it on its Facebook page. The project is being implemented by «Poltavazernoprodukt» LLC. Five more sprinklers were added to the three sprinklers. For this...

«Ukrprominvest-Agro» doubled sugar beet sowing areas

Last year, sugar beet showed the best marginal indicators compared to other crops, and this trend continues in 2023. Roman Ogorodov, the business manager of «Ukrprominvest-Agro», told about it in a comment on The company notes that the areas under beets as part of the partner program «Sugar beet — a smart choice!» increased from 8 thousand hectares to 17.3 thousand hectares. In ge...

In Ukraine, even those who have never done it have started sugar beet planting

In the West of Ukraine, many new enterprises have started sugar beet growing even those who have never been involved in it. We are talking about both large agricultural holdings and small farmers. It is reported by UkrAgroConsal with reference to the material «Moisture is not always good: Sowing in Western Ukraine» on Sugar beet is the main crop in «Zakhidnyi Bug» farm in Lviv region. It brings 80% of the company's profit. Therefore, this year, 15.3 thousand hectares were allocated for beetroot....

«Astarta» completed spring planting 2023

«Astarta» has completed the spring planting, having fulfilled the full range of fieldworks on its entire land bank within the optimal time. It is reported by press center of the company. «Last year’s rainy autumn with the very late completion of late grain harvest meant we had to carry out unplanned fieldworks alongside sch...
