Poltava sugar factories produced 88,000 tonnes of sugar

The sugar-refining season continues in Poltava region.
It is reported in Poltava Regonal Military Administration.
This year, 28.7 thousand hectares of sugar beet were sown in the region, 11.5% of the total area of this crop in Ukraine. Currently, 15.8 thousand hectares of sugar beets have been harvested (55% of the plan), 728.4 thousand tonnes have been obtained, the average yield amounted to 461 centners/ha, higher than last year by 36.5 centners.
Sugar beets are processed by three sugar factories: the branch of «Globyno Sugar Factory» of «Tsukroagroprom» LLC, the branch of «YareskySugar Factory» of «Tsukroagroprom» LLC, «Novoorzhitskyi Sugar Factory» LLC, which have already accepted 685.4 thousand tonnes of sugar beets and produced 88.1 thousand tonnes of sugar.
The Department of Agri-Industrial Development of Poltava Regonal Military Administration noted that the region's needs will be fully met.