
Egypt sugar import value decreased by 31%

Over the past 10 months of 2018 Egypt sugar imports value decreased by 31,4%. It is reported by ahramonline. The General Organisation for Import and Export Control (GOEIC) said that the imports of strategic goods such as poultry and sugar have declined over the past 10 month...

EU sugar output could drop further as growers turn away from beet

Sugar production in the European Union could drop sharply in 2019/2020 as farmers consider slashing plantings and switching to other crops amid depressed prices. It is reported by Reuters. European producers are not planting extra beet area and some are turning to other crops offering better returns, Martin Todd, managing director at LMC International, told...

«Astarta» bought almost 19 thousand shares

During the period from November 19 to 23, «Astarta» agri-industrial holding bought up 18,87 thousand of its own shares on the stock exchange. It is stated in a message of the company on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. As noted, the average price of the stock was PLN29,59 ($7,83). The total amount of the transaction amounted to about...

Brazil sugar output to reach the lowest level in the last 10 years — S&P Global Platts

Brazil sugar production between April 1 and November 16 would reach 25,13 million tonnes, decreasing 27% year on year. That would be the lowest for the period in 10 years, since the 2008-09 crop. It is reported by S&P Global Platts. The amount of sugarcane crushed in the first half of November in Brazil's key Center-South region was expected to be 21,1 million tonnes, down 10%...

Egypt's Delta Sugar raises beet planting area this year

Egypt’s Delta Sugar has contracted farmers to plant more than 114,000 feddans (118,314 acres) of sugar beet this year, an increase of around 20,000 feddans over the area planted last year, it said on Monday. It is reported by Reuters. Ahmed Abu al-Yazid, chairman of the Delta board, said in a statement that most of the area allocated for sugar beet has already been planted, with incentives to those who...

Vinnytchyna produced 269 thousand tonnes of sugar

In Vinnytsia region sugar refineries produced 269,3 thousand tonnes of sugar. It is reported by Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. In total, the local refineries processed 2,05 million tonnes of sugar beet. There are five sugar refineries operating in the regio...

Mauritius reduced its forecast for sugar output for the third time

Mauritius reduced its forecast for sugar output this year for the third time as weather patterns aren’t favorable to sucrose formation. It is reported by Bloomberg.  The Indian Ocean island nation will probably produce 320,000 tonnes of sugar this year, the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture said in an e-mailed statement. Its in...

Agrarians have to harvest 3% of sugar beet areas

As of November 22, Ukrainian agrarians practically completed sugar beet harvesting (97% of the total harvested area). It is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. 13,3 million tonnes of sugar beet were harvested from the area of 270 thousand hectares with the ave...

India will become the world's biggest sugar producer for the first time in 16 years

Brazil, traditionally the world’s top sugar producer, is poised to cede the crown to India for the first time in 16 years. It is reported by Bloomberg. Production in the Asian country this season may rise 5,2 percent — to a record 35,9 million tonnes on increasing acreage and improving yields, the U.S. Depar...

Chernihiv region harvested 260 thousand tonnes of sugar beet

Agrarians of Chernihiv region completed sugar beet harvesting. It is reported by Agricultural Department of Chernihiv Regional State Administration. Almost 260 thousand tonnes of sugar beet were harvested from the area of 5,7 thousand hecta...
