«Zolota Nyva» PE: sugar beets became a "saving crop" for us

In Ternopil region «Zolota Nyva» PE cultivates more than 1.5 thousand hectares, on which seven to eight agricultural crops are grown: wheat, corn, soybeans, sunflower, winter rapeseed, spring brewing barley and sugar beets. Crop rotation is not shuffled here in favor of one or another crop that "shot" the previous season. As the experience of the farm shows, every year some cultures show themselves better, and some worse, and there is no point in guessing.
Roman Shnurovskyi, the deputy director of «Zolota Nyva» PE, told The Ukrainian Farmer magazine about it.
«Sugar beets became a saving crop for us both last year and the year before. A good stable price and demand is maintained for this raw material. Therefore, sweet roots are now profitable to grow. We allocate approximately 15% of cultivated areas to this culture, and the yield can reach 60-70 t/ha, and sometimes more, as in the 2023 season. It would seem that the most logical thing would be to expand the area under sugar beets in the new season and get additional profit, which would not be superfluous. But, in my opinion, the matter should be approached carefully. It doesn't work from year to year, and a few years ago this culture was not highly profitable. In addition, this year, according to my observations, almost every farmer is going to sow sugar beets, so it is not known what will happen with demand and price», — said Roman Shnurovskyi.