Vinnytsia sugar factories completed production

In the current production season Vinnytsia sugar factories produced 442,000 tonnes of sugar, the production volumes are the highest in the last five years.

Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration informed «Ukrinform» about this.

«In the current production season, 442,000 tonnes of sugar were produced in Vinnytsia region or 23% more than last year, when 360,000 tonnes of sugar were produced in the region. The volumes of sugar production are the highest in the last 5 years»,— the RMA reported.

The department noted that in 2023-2024 production season, the sugar factories significantly increased the volumes of raw material processing and sugar production. Thus, they processed more than 3.1 million tonnes of sugar beets or 28% more than on the corresponding date last year.

As of January 12, 2024, all five sugar factories completed the production season.

As reported, 22% of Ukraine's sugar beet area is concentrated in Vinnytsia region. In 2023, the sugar beet area in the region increased by 6,000 hectares compared to the previous year.