Vinnytsia region completed sugar beet harvesting

In Vinnytsia region, agricultural enterprises of all categories, as well as sugar factories completed sugar beet harvesting campaign.

It is reported by

According to the results of the season, 1,85 million tonnes of sugar beets were harvested from 48,5 thousand hectares — 100% of the total area. According to the director of the department of agro-industrial development, ecology and natural resources of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Mykola Tkachuk, 1,28 million tonnes of beets have already been delivered to the local sugar factories. The expected processing volumes are almost 2 million tonnes, including raw materials grown outside the region. Last year, this figure was slightly higher and amounted to 2,1 million tonnes.

«At the same time, the beet yield, compared to the same period last year, increased by 11.5 centners/ha and reached 432 centners/ha. The average sugar content amounted to 16,1%, — said Mykola Tkachuk, — As of Tuesday, December 1, sugar factories of the region produced more than 160 thousand tonnes of sugar. High indicators of sugar content of raw materials make it possible to expect sugar production at the level of 309 thousand tonnes against 331 thousand tonnes in 2019». 

He added that sugar-refining season in the region began on October 11. This year there were six sugar factories in operation in the region. «Yuzepho-Mykolaiv Agroindustrial Company» LLC the firsl completed production season. «Illinetsky Tsykrovy Zavod» LLC was the second. The rest of the refineries continue sugar production. According to the forecast of the Department of Agricultural Development, Ecology and Natural Resources, it will last until December 10-12.