UPI-AGRO began to practice covering beet piles with agrofibre



Having studied the experience of Polish and German companies, one of the largest sugar producers in Ukraine, «UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO», began to practice covering sugar beet piles with agrofiber for better storage of beets during late transportation.

Oleksandr Havrish, a Deputy General Director for Development of Partner Programs at «UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO», told AgroPortal.ua about it.

«We plan to cover about 70 thousand tonnes of sugar beets with agrofiber this year. And for the first time we started to use this technology on the fields of our partners, and free of charge for them», — says Oleksandr Havrish.

According to him, the 2024 season was probably one of the most difficult for the company. The enterprise did not receive the planned yield due to the abnormal heat, which this year primarily covered the southern regions of Vinnytsia region, including Kryzhopil and Yampil districts, where significant sown areas of «UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO» are concentrated.

«As a result, instead of the planned yield of 50 t/ha, which we hoped to obtain this year on partner fields, we have an average yield of 46 t/ha. The yield of our own beets is slightly lower, because our crops were concentrated in the climatic zone that was most affected by the heat», — says Oleksandr Havrish.