«Ukrprominvest-Agro» finished production season with record figures

On January 9, «Ukrprominvest-Agro» group of companies completed sugar beet processing season, which lasted 132 days and became a record for the company according to several indicators.
It is stated in the company's message on Facebook.
The company's Gaisyn and Kryzhopil sugar factories processed 2 million 105 thousand tonnes of sugar beet and produced 337.5 thousand tonnes of sugar, which became a record for the company.
Also, for the first time in Ukraine, the company introduced technological scheme for sugar syrup storage with further processing. In particular, Gaisyn sugar factory took 48,000 tonnes of syrup into storage, from which it is planned to obtain 26,000 tonnes of crystal sugar in spring.
High production indicators became possible both due to the sugar beet yield at the level of 50 t/ha, and due to the expansion of the partner program «Sugar beet — the choice of the smart ones!». About 40% of the raw materials processed by the company's factories this season were brought by beet-producer partners, which is also a record for UPI-AGRO.
In addition, this season, Kryzhopil sugar factory once again set an industry record for the amount of sugar produced by one enterprise. The factory produced 171,570 tonnes of sugar, the highest figure in Ukraine for all the years of sugar production!