Ukraine began 2024/2025 MY sugar-refining season

Ukraine started 2024/2025 MY sugar production season.

As of August 30, 2024, 3 factories in Vinnytsia, Ternopil, and Lviv regions began sugar beet processing. In general, expectations regarding the mass early start of sugar-refining season did not come true due to dry weather conditions, which make it difficult to harvest sugar beet, a number of factories postponed the start of processing to later dates.

As of today, sweet roots have been harvested from 1.2 thousand hectares.

Currently, the average yield on harvested areas amounts to 50 t/ha, including 35 t/ha in Vinnytsia region, 44 t/ha — in Poltava region, 58 t/ha in Ternopil region and 70 t/ha in Lviv region.

Remind that as of the same date last year in Ukraine, 2 sugar factories in Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions started sugar beet processing.