The law on the land market will be considered in October — Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Consideration of the law on the launch of the agricultural land market is scheduled for October.

It was announced by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Maxym Martyniyk, on Facebook.

«As part of the land reform, we finalize the proposals of the working group to work out the optimal model for the market launch. In the near future, these proposals in the status of the law on the circulation of agricultural lands will be introduced to the parliament», — Martyniyk says.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the necessary conditions for the abolishment of the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land.

«The moratorium has many negative consequences, among the most threatening there are: underestimation of land, high operating costs for the administration of the land bank (huge number of lease agreements), limited access to funding», — the first deputy minister says.

The launch of the market is able to solve these problems, he notes.

«At the same time, it is necessary to guarantee the preservation of the rights of landowners in order to avoid economic and/or social blasts», — summed up Maxym Martyniyk.