«Svyatets» LLC: sugar beet clearly justifies investments in it



In Khmelnytsk region, «Svyatets» enterprise has been growing sugar beets for a long time. When «Astarta» modernized sugar factories and established partnership with farmers, sugar beet became an unchanging culture. This year, 300 hectares of beets were sown here.

Vasyl Mostiy, the head of «Svyatets» LLC, told AgroPortal about it.

«Last year and the year before, sugar beet was a profitable crop, but weather conditions and financial situation did not allow us to significantly increase sown area last year. During this time, the prices of seeds and mineral fertilizers have increased, and weather factor is significant during sowing. But if everything goes well this year, and the yield will be within 600 t/ha, the investments will definitely pay off», — says Vasyl Mostiy.

He adds that last year's practice showed that out of more than 15 crops grown on the farm, sugar beet had the fastest sale. This is thanks to the long-term cooperation with Narkevytskyi sugar factory of «Astarta» company. Having such a powerful partner, Vasyl Mostiy plans to increase sugar beet sown area in the coming years and will not give up this crop in any case. He says: «I will wait until the end, because I know from experience that layoff for at least a year will mean the loss of specialists and non-use of specialized equipment for the company».