«Svarog West Group» finished sugar beet harvesting with high results



«Svarog West Group» Corporation generally processes about 80 thousand hectares of land in Khmelnytsk, Chernivtsy and Zhytomyr regions and grows a wide range of crops with traditional and organic technologies. Fylymon Antoniyk, chief agronomist of the company, told about the main indicators of productivity in traditional agriculture.

It is reported by SuperAgronom.

The chief agronomist says, this year sugar beet were grown on 7,600 hectares. The harvesting was completed on December, 15. The yield (in the calibration weight) was 60,9 t/ha. At the same time, the sugar content in southern region of the corporation amounted to 17,4% (the average yield was 74,6 t/ha), while in northern and central regions sugar content was 16,9% (with an average yield of 60 t/ha).

«This autumn was very rainy in our region, so we spent a lot of time on sugar beet transportation. It was difficult, but we managed», — says Fylymon Antoniyk.