Sugar production moves closer to EU norms

For a wide public discussion, submission of comments and proposals, a draft order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy "On approval of requirements for types of sugars intended for human consumption" was published, the purpose of which is to bring the requirements of Ukrainian sugar production to European standards.
It is reported by the press-service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.
In this way, the Ministry continues to implement the norms of the EU directives into national legislation in the framework of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.
Thus, the order was designed to harmonize Ukrainian legislation with the EU legislation in terms of requirements for sugar and its types intended for consumption by the population.
The document contains requirements on the terminology, labeling of types of sugar intended for consumption, the implementation of which will ensure the domestic market by quality products and significantly increase Ukraine's ability to enter the world markets.
It should be noted that today Ukrainian sugar refineries produce white sugar according to DSTU 4623:2006 «White Sugar. Specifications», according to which most norms of sugar indices comply with the requirements of Council Directive № 2001/111/EU.