Sugar factories of Ternopil region produced almost 72kt of sugar

In Ternopil region, sugar factories produced almost 72,000 tonnes of sugar.
Volodymyr Stakhiv, director of the Department of agri-industrial development of the region, told about this, Ukrinform reported.
«Sugar factories in Ternopil region processed more than 516,600 tonnes of sugar beets and produced almost 72,000 tonnes of sugar. For comparison, last year at this time, they produced almost half as much — more than 36,000 tonnes of sugar», — Volodymyr Stakhiv said.
Today, there are four sugar factories in operation in the region — in Chortkov, Khorostkiv, Koziv and Zbarazh.
«This year, farmers increased the sugar beet sowing area by approximately 1.5 thousand hectares — to 26.6 thousand hectares. Farms hope to harvest more than 1.5 million tonnes of beets», — Mr. Stakhiv added.