Sugar factories lack funds to reorient according to European standards

New standards (DSTU) regarding the quality of sugar were adopted this year, but it is quite difficult to talk about the readiness of Ukrainian sugar factories according to European standards.
Acting Chairman of the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine «Ukrsugar» Nazar Mykhailovyn told about this in an interview for The Ukrainian Farmer.
According to him, the majority of sugar factories currently cannot afford to purchase new lines and reorient to other, more ecological types of fuel that would not harm the environment.
Nazar Mykhailovyn reminded that at the moment gas is a more or less ecological type of fuel. Ideally, factories should abandon fuel oil. And those who work on pellets or pulp need treatment facilities. Currently, the owners of factories, who dare to modernize, attract credit funds for this.
«From 2018-21, we asked the government to introduce state support such as subsidies for growing sugar beet per hectare, subsidies for exports, abolition of customs duties on the import of equipment, construction of biogas plants, etc. — because sugar factories can produce biogas by burning pulp and then selling the fuel along the "green line" for the population. However, we never received state support. And taking into account the fact that active hostilities continue in Ukraine, it is too early to speak about attracting financing», — the specialist noted.