Sugar exports increased by 15%


In March 47,2 thousand tonnes of sugar were exported, which is 15% more than the previous month.

The main deliveries were carried out to the post-Soviet countries and Africa:

«In March 50% of all supplies —  23,5 thousand tonnes of sugar — were delivered to Uzbekistan. In addition, supplies continued to Turkey — 7,9 thousand tonnes; Somalia — 3,7 thousand tonnes; Tajikistan — 2,9 thousand tonnes; Benin — 1,8 thousand tonnes and other countries — 7,3 thousand tonnes», — commented Ruslana Butylo, the head of the analytical department of «Ukrtsugar».

In total, for September-March of MY 2017/2018, 338,1 thousand tonnes of sugar were exported.

Recall that in MY 2017/2018 sugar production increased by 6,5% and amounted to 2,14 million tonnes. 46 sugar factories worked in the season. According to the forecasts of the Association, the sugar beet grown area in 2018 will amount to about 285 thousand hectares.