«Signet Holding» invests 700 thousand dollars in sugar factory modernization
Every year «Signet» is constantly increasing sugar beet processing capacity. In 2018, it is planned to invest about USD 0,7 million in its sugar factory reconstruction and modernization.
It is reported in the corporate magazine of the company.
The reconstruction works will be aimed at increasing sugar factory productivity to 2,750 tonnes/day, reducing gas consumption up to 28 m3 per tonn of processed beet, reducing the cost of limestone, coal, production materials, improving the quality of finished products. The implementation of capital works and ongoing repairs will begin in the first half of April.
It should also be noted that the factory is provided with limestone and coal in advance. At the end of February, the company completed all tenders and contracts for supply of these materials for the next production season. Also, in winter produced sugar was actively exported according to the international and domestic contracts.