
«Astarta» to get €5 million from German company to modernize sugar plant

The German investment company Connect GmbH & Co. geschlossene Invest KG (Connect) will provide «Astarta» with a loan of €5 million for a period of seven years to modernize one of its sugar plants. This is stated in the company’s announcement on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. «The deal is financed by the ImpactConnect program, which includes any financing and Connect financing program...

Cherkasy region completed sugar beet harvesting campaign

Agrarians of Cherkasy region completed sugar beet harvesting campaign. It is reported by the Department of Agri-Industrial Development of Cherkasy Regional State Administration. Sugar beet harvesting has been completed in the region — 781.4 thousand tonnes. T...

Brazil decreased ethanol production

UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced that sugarcane processing was down during the first half of November. Ethanol production was also down for the two-week period, but ethanol sales were up.  It is reported by ethanolproducer. Mills in the south-central region of Brazil processed 16.46 million metric tons of sugarcane during the first half of November, down 52.81% when compared to...

France sugar beet production to increase almost 3% — CGB

The French sugar beet industry is expected to grow to 32.4 million tonnes in this year. This is up from the 31.6 million tonnes in 2023, despite yields dropping to their lowest level in 17 years due to bad weather. It is reported by Reuters. CGB's forecast for the current harvest is well below the latest French Ministry of Agriculture's forecast, which was 33.7 million tonnes based on estimated by Nov...

Mexico sugar production is estimated 8% higher

Mexico sugar production is estimated 8% higher to 5.4 million tonnes due to expected favorable weather staving off some of the drought conditions. It is reported by USDA in its November report. Consumption and stocks are expected to be down due to higher exports which are estimated to rise on higher available supplies with exports to the...

China sugar production is up over 1 million tonnes

China sugar production is up over 1.0 million tonnes to 11.0 million tonnes as the area for both sugarcane and sugarbeets are expected to rise. It is reported by USDA in its November report. Consumption is estimated up slightly on the assumption that consumer spending will increase with lower sugar prices, increasing demand. Imports a...

Pakistan will export 25kt of sugar to Bangladesh

25,000 tonnes of sugar will be imported by Bangladesh from Pakistan; it is anticipated that the cargo will reach Chittagong Port from Karachi Port next month. This is the first time in many years that Pakistan’s sugar sector is exporting so much sugar to Bangladesh. Although sugar exports from India are currently prohibited, Bangladesh used to purchase sugar from India. It is reported by maritimegateway. With Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s assent, the Pakistani sugar industry signed agreements this year to export almost 600,000 tonnes of sugar. Thailan...

U.S. sugar production is estimated down to 8.4 million tonnes — USDA

U.S. sugar production is estimated down slightly to 8.4 million tonnes on lower sugarbeet and sugarcane yields. It is reported by USDA in its November report. Imports are estimated down based on projected quota programs set at minimum levels consistent with World Trade Organization and free-trade agreem...

Thailand sugar production is estimated to be up 16% — USDA

Thailand sugar production is estimated to be up 16% — to 10.2 million tonnes due to favorable weather resulting in increased sugarcane production and sugar yields. It is reported by USDA in its November report. Consumption continues to rise but at a slower rate due to lower expected disposable income. Exports are estimated to nearly double with the highe...
