Molasses residues as valuable organic fertilizers rise to a new level

Molasses residues are the complex liquid fertilizers containing mono fertilizers — nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microfertilizers — calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron. At the request of Gnidava Sugar Refinery, Volyn Branch of National Scientific Center «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research of Ukraine» has developed methodical recommendations for the use of molasses residues in crop production of agricultural enterprises.

It is reported by the press service of Gnidava Sugar Refinery.

«This year our company sold about 35 thousand tonnes of this product to the leading agricultural enterprises of Volyn region. Today, the interest in these organic fertilizers is growing more and more, especially as prices are rather low for the wholesalers», — said Oleksandr Nikishyn, the deputy director for raw materials.

The company assures that molasses residues can be introduced for all types of crops in accordance with the methodological recommendations. This year, organic fertilizers will prove their impact on the quantity and quality of the crops.