Ivano-Frankivsk region completed sugar beet harvesting



Ivano-Frankivsk region completed sugar beet harvesting. The yield is high — more than 550 centners per hectare. But this year beet harvested area was only 1,1 thousand hectares.

It is reported by «Golos Ukrainy».

The significant share of sugar beet roots was in Gorodenka district. «Obriy» SE became the first to harvest beet (the subsidiary enterprise of «Shlyakhbudinvest» LLC), then Shevchenko Agricultural Production Cooperative and «Potochysche» Private Farming began sugar beet harvesting. Grown beet are transported 75 km to Ternopil region.

Significant reduction of areas under beet (at collective-farm system time the harvested area reached 20 thousand hectares) is due to the lack of own processing capacities. But Ivano-Frankivsk region has perhaps the highest sugar beet yield in the country and sugar content reaches 17,5% exceeding the basic 16%.

Vasily Bodnarchuk, Director of «Obriy» SE, says that sugar beet cultivation is the most profitable among other agricultural crops. But it is also expensive as harvested areas require multiple cultivation and more potash fertilizers. Plus extra costs for the transportation of harvested crops to the neighboring region. Because of this, individual farms stopped sugar beet cultivation.