In Ukraine the sugar beet area will be reduced by 5%


According to the analytical department of «Ukrsugar» Association, in the current marketing year, the sugar beet area will amount to about 190-200 thousand hectares, which is almost 5% less than last year. 

«This year, the sugar beet area will remain almost unchanged, with a slight reduction of up to 5%. First of all, it is caused by the price situation in the sugar market. However, given the transit stocks and sugar of the new season, there will be no deficit in Ukraine», — commented Nazar Mikhaylovyn, the «Ukrsugar» analyst. 

Despite unfavorable weather conditions, the lack of soil moisture and rapid change of temperature, the sowing campaign began at the end of March and as of April 2, 25,95 thousand hectares were already sown.

«Due to the low humidity and temperature of the soil, possible frosts, the sowing works are being carried out quite actively for the maximum germination benefit. Khmelnytsk region began sugar beet sowing the first. Currently, the sowing campaign is the most active in Lviv, Ternopil, Poltava and Kiev regions», — explained the analyst.

Recall that in 2019/2020 MY, 33 sugar refineries produced 1,48 million tonnes of sugar and processed 9,84 million tonnes of sugar beet.