In Ukraine, annual sugar export reached 427,000 tonnes, although it could have been a third higher

Ukraine increased sugar exports eight times. The main sales markets are the EU countries.

Nazar Mykhailovyn, the Acting Chairman of «Ukrsugar» Association, told about it.

Ukrainian sugar closes the shortage of sweet product in Europe. The annual export of sugar increased to 427,000 tonnes. It could have been a third more, if it was not blocked by the Government.

The largest volumes of our sugar came to Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary. It is these countries that block export of grain and oil products from Ukraine. But sugar became an exception.

There is a problem with sugar in EU countries. The production facilities in France, Germany, and Poland do not have raw materials due to the crop failure that has plagued European beets for the second year in a row.

«Therefore, the total sugar deficit in the EU at the beginning of the year amounted to 2 million tonnes», — says Nazar Mykhailovyn.

This gave Ukrainian sugar producers a chance. It was necessary to be in time with supplies to Europe faster than the Brazilians would do it. It is Brazil that delivers sugar cane to European processing plants.

«Until June, we increased volumes of sugar export to Europe. It reached 70 thousand tonnes per month. But in May, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to block all sugar exports», — says Nazar Mykhailovyn.

According to him, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania bought the most of Ukrainian sugar.

Although sugar producers have given government officials the forecast, according to which the current reserves of sugar (more than 500,000 tonnes) will be enough. And one of the best sugar beet crops in recent years awaits Ukraine in autumn.

During the three summer months, sugar export from Ukraine stopped. Based on the average monthly supply (50,000 tonnes), the total volume of unsold sugar reached about 150,000 tonnes. 

While sugar export was blocked, sugar movement began in the neighboring countries. Romania, which has already forgotten about sugar production, in August resumed the work of its first sugar factory.

It is gratifying that the ban on sugar exports has been eased — since August, the Cabinet of Ministers has been providing quotas, but without giving exporters freedom of actions.

«According to quotas, 20,000 tonnes of sugar were exported specifically to Romania», — says Nazar Mykhailovyn.

According to his forecasts, this year's beet crop will ensure the production of at least 1.7 million tonnes of sugar. «Such volumes are enough to meet the needs of both domestic consumption and exceed export figures. After all, sugar deficit in the EU is still not closed», — says the head of «Ukrsugar».