Gnidava Sugar Refinery plans to build a biogas complex


«Gnidava Sugar Refinery» LLC plans to build a biogas refinery.

The refinery will generate electricity by burning pulp on cogenerators. Gnidava Sugar Refinery plans to spend EUR15 million on modernization of the facilities within five years. In 2017, in particular, special pressing machines for squeezing pulp will be purchased, which will allow improving production performance.

The refinery also plans to purchase molecular presses that will allow cleaning sugar beet production waste and, as a result, receiving fertilizers and water purification units. The capacity of the enterprise allows processing 5,000 tonnes of sugar beet per day.

In 2016 Gnidava Sugar Refinery received UAH 15,22 million of net profit against UAH 3,61 million of net loss in 2015. Its net sales income increased by 28,4% — to UAH 576,4 million.