«Epicentr Agro» introduced sugar beet in the crop structure


This year, «Epicentr Agro» agricultural holding sowed sugar beet, a crop that had not been cultivated for many years. Such a step is determined by today's realities and orientation to the domestic sales market.

Serhiy Filyuk, the head of the Northern Cluster of «Epicenter Agro», told it, news service of «Agrariy razom» reported.

«We have introduced a long-forgotten sugar beet crop into the structure of crops, — he said. — We have 1.7 thousand hectares and friendly seedlings».

«Epicentr Agro» plans to complete the sowing campaign by the middle of May, despite the lack of personnel: 92 employees of the company are protecting Ukraine, and currently 46 machinists and 6 drivers are needed.