Cygnet will restore the pre-war five-crops rotation structure

In 2022, Cygnet company changed the structure of sown areas, but this year it plans to return to a five-crops rotation.

Cygnet CEO Ihor Shilyuk told for the corporate publication.

«With the beginning of the war, we were limited in working capital. Considering the specifics of growing agricultural crops, it is impossible to significantly reduce the production cost by changing the technology and not losing productivity.

Therefore, we were forced to review the structure of the cultivated areas and choose such crops with lower costs per hectare. So, we reduced the area under corn and decided not to plant sugar beets, while increasing the area under soybeans and sunflowers. Since we didn't sow sugar beets, the ugar refinery didn't work», — he said.

According to Igor Shilyuk, the yield of agricultural crops this year was one of the lowest in the history of the company.

«The reason for this is the record low level of moisture reserves in the soil at the beginning of the year, the dry period in June-July.

In general, this year turned out to be extremely dry in the region where we operate», —he explains.

Ihor Shilyuk also added that Cygnet is restoring the crop rotation that existed before the war. It is a structure of five crops — wheat, sugar beets, corn, soy, and sunflower.

«And, accordingly, the sugar factory will be launched in new season», — he assured.