Cygnet completed sugar refining season

Cygnet sugar factory completed the 2024 season. In total, 32.5 thousand tonnes of sugar were produced.

This is stated in the company's message on Facebook.

«Production lasted 84 days, during which we processed 235 thousand tonnes of sugar beets. Of all the sugar produced, 98% was of category I. With the planned average daily processing of beets of 2,600 tonnes/day, production was supposed to last 90 days. And since we processed an average of 2,927 tonnes/day, the duration was reduced by 6 days. The season was not easy. This year's drought affected the work. A large amount of dry tops and weeds that came for processing along with the raw materials complicated both the supply of beets from piles to the factory and the process of obtaining juice in the diffusion unit. However, our team accepted the challenge and did everything possible to get the most positive result of the season», — says Pavlo Perkhailo, the head of the sugar production unit.