«Continental Farmers Group» finished sugar beet sowing



«Continental Farmers Group» finished sugar beet planting campaign. The sugar beet sown area amounted to 3.26 thousand hectares.

This is reported by Novyny Ternopilschyny.

«This year's sowing campaign is special primarily due to the weather conditions, because the heat came very early. Already at the end of March, the soil was unusually well warmed and sufficiently moistured. Therefore, at the beginning of April, we already had the proper soil maturity and optimal conditions for the start of the sowing campaign, and this was probably the first time that Western Ukraine regions were able to start spring sowing faster than Eastern regions, — comments Kostyantyn Shytyuk, the operations director of «Continental Farmers Group». — Due to high-quality preparation for the season, even before the onset of cold weather and rains, we were able to ensure very high work productivity and proper sowing quality, so the temporary deterioration of the weather in the middle of sowing did not affect the pace of the campaign. In general, we sowed all the planned areas in the agronomically optimal terms».

Currently, «Continental Farmers Group» assesses the development of spring crops as good and expects the planned density of seedlings. In the early sowings, in particular — of sugar beets, despite the deterioration of weather conditions in mid-April, good seedlings are noted. Currently, the main task of the Company's production department is to provide high-quality protection and care of crops and to realize the potential of the sowing campaign.