«Continental Farmers Group» began sugar beet planting

«Continental Farmers Group» continues spring crops sowing. «Galych» cluster of the company in Ternopil region is the first to start sugar beet and sunflowers planting.
It is reported by AgroPravda.
«We are entering the intensive phase of spring sowing, and weather conditions are favorable at the moment, — comments Kostyantyn Shytiuk, operations director of «Continental Farmers Group». — Seeders enter the fields, following the agronomic terms. At the same time, we complete moisture closing on winter wheat and implementing spring protection program for winter rapeseed. It is still too early to make any predictions about spring, but we are confident in our technology: the areas for sowing are properly prepared, the company is also fully equipped with the necessary resources».
In total, «Continental Farmers Group» set aside 93.5 thousand hectares for spring crops in 2024. Sugar beet in the structure of cultivated areas occupies 3,28 thousand hectares.
On the eve of the start of spring field work, «Continental Farmers Group» significantly updated its technical park with new tractors, seed drills, sprayers, spreaders, etc.