«Astarta» starts selling sugar under its own brand

In 2024, «Astarta» will start selling sugar under its own brand.
The CEO of the company, Viktor Ivanchyk, told about this in an interview for Forbes.ua.
One of the country's largest agricultural holdings, «Astarta», goes to the final consumer. The company plans to sell milk and sugar of its own production in stores.
«Investments in Ukraine are now the most profitable», — says Viktor Ivanchyk, the founder and CEO of the holding. — From 2021 to 2023, «Astarta» increased its investment fourfold — to almost UAH1.7 billion. This year, the company invests in the production of soy protein concentrate, warehouse logistics, and the production of electricity from biogas.
Viktor Ivanchyk's Agroholding is the country's largest milk producer and one of the top three sugar producers. Last year, «Astarta» received a record payout of €619 million, which was 21% higher than in 2022.