«Astarta» plans to increase its land bank to 400,000 ha



«Astarta», the largest sugar producer in Ukraine, plans to increase its land bank to 400 thousand hectares by 2020.

The Operations Director of «Astarta», Zhelko Ertseg, says, reports Delo.UA.

«Land bank increasing is a permanent process. Now our land bank includes 250 thousand hectares. Since the beginning of 2017, the land bank has increased by 12 thousand hectares. According to our strategy for 2020, we have to get 400 thousand hectares, this is one of the main investment areas. We plan to increase about 50 thousand hectares per year», — he says.

The opening of the land market in Ukraine under certain conditions may become an impetus for a significant investments inflow into the country.

«This may be too optimistic, but if this (the opening of the land market) goes wide-ranging, if it is not a long process with a mass of administrative restrictions, if investors are given the opportunity to buy land, I believe that Ukraine will see the largest investment boom in its history, and it will give faith and courage to investors for further investments», — says the Operations Director.