Ability to grow sugar beets is the highest aerobatics in agriculture



This year, many Ukrainian farmers bet on the cultivation of sugar beet, because today it is the most marginal crop.

It is stated in the article "Will farmers sow beets in 2024? And what will happen to sugar prices? Insights from the meeting of "UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO" with farmers" on Latifundist.com.

In 2023, 143 agricultural enterprises from UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO joined to the partnership program "Sugar beet — a smart choice!". As a result, more than 844 thousand tonnes of sugar beets were harvested from 17,426 thousand hectares with the average yield of about 50 tonnes/ha and sugar content of 17.9%.

The director of «Flora A.A.» Andriy Kapritza shared his forecasts regarding the future sugar market, as well as his impressions of participating in the partner program: "There are many opinions that soon earnings from sugar beets will end, but compared to other agricultural crops, beets will still remain one of the most profitable. Next year, our company will allocate 12% of the land area for this culture."

Vadym Lozinskyi, director of «AKVAVIKA» agricultural company, also spoke about the company's plans to continue planting beets. Next year, 1.4 thousand hectares will be allocated for this culture.

Roman Ogorodov, CEO of UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO group of companies, said that over the past 6 years, the holding has invested $37 million in the modernization and improvement of factories, and another $10.7 million are planned to be invested in 2024. These investments help to shorten the processing time of the harvested crop and improve the quality of finished products.

It is noted that next year, more than 170 farmers from Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, and Kirovohrad regions plan to join the partnership program "Sugar beet — a smart choice". Thus, the sugar beet area will increase to 20.8 thousand hectares.

"The ability to grow sugar beet is the highest aerobatics in agriculture. We are able and know how to make money from it, and we share our knowledge with our partners," Oleksandr Havrysh, head of the partnership program "Sugar beet — the choice of the smart ones" from UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO Group said.