«Zoria Podillia» Foods Company» LLC («Gaisin Sugar Refinery» OJSC)

Address of production capacities: Zavodska str., 150, Gaisyn, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine, 23700.
Gaisyn Sugar Plant was built by French entrepreneurs Gallo, Sallocrupu and de Molinari, and in 1899 it was launched.
During the whole civil war until 1922 the plant did not work. By the fall of 1923, the plant was restored. It was contracted 184 thousand quintals of sugar beet.
In 1959, the plant was reconstructed — cogeneration unit was built, mechanical drives on the units were replaced by electric.
In 1971, the plant began a general reconstruction. Beet processing shop with continuous diffusion apparatus DDS-24, juice-cleaning department, new food department with vacuum devices of the 1-st and 2-nd product and new crystallization station, motor-vehicle shop, limestone department, etc. were built.
In 2001, the refinery became the property of «UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO» LLC. In 2006-2007, after the 1-st stage of the reconstruction the processing capacity of the plant increased to 5000 tons of beet per day. In that time the washing unit and gallery of serving beets to the plant were built. The diffusion apparatus DS-12, new defecosaturation station and a filtration station “BMA» were installed. “Larox” filter press and set centrifuges “BMA” were installed.
In 2010, the thermal scheme of the plant was upgraded and two additional evaporators were installed.
In 2012, the lime-kiln was reconstructed, the diffusion apparatus DS-12 installed, the defecosaturation stations were upgraded with the installation of a new prefetch and a saturator. The filtration stations of the syrup TF-150 have been installed, the vacuum devices of the A,B,C products reconstructed. Additional centrifuges “BMA” were installed, the vibroconveyor of raw sugar was replaced.
In 2015, 2 new pulp presses Babbini installed. In 2014 steam boilers of the plant were converted from natural gas to solid fuels, which led to decrease of the cost of processing by 2,5 times.
In 2018, the plant implemented a project for the installation of ion exchange columns for decalcifying beet juice.